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エチエチ漫画ーみのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜d_247484ダウンロードはコチラ!

みのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜
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エチエチ漫画みのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜d_247484のサンプル画像

みのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜 画像1
みのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜 画像2
みのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜 画像3
みのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜 画像4
みのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜 画像5

エチエチ漫画みのりの超乳化記録 〜俺のためにおっぱい大きくしてくれる彼女〜d_247484の詳細情報


レビュー 5.00
ジャンルパイズリ 母乳 おっぱい 搾乳 男性向け 成人向け 複乳/怪乳/超乳 

This work includes both Japanese and English versions.(see below)

……だけど、いざ挿入! というタイミングで彼が、この世の終わりみたいな顔で告白してきた。





【Minori’s Breast Growth Diary 〜She makes her boobs bigger for me.〜】

This manga features a girl who makes her breasts bigger for her boyfriend, who loves her uncommonly large boobs.
All pages are in full-color.

My name is Minori Munemori.
It was my first date at home with my boyfriend who I have been seeing for a few months now. My family was out of town, so we were finally going to have sex for the first time, I was so excited!
Thing is… As I was presenting my naked body to him, my boyfriend looked at me with this disappointed face and said, ’I’m sorry! I can only get hard when I see huge tits!’

From that day on, I devoted myself to making my boobs bigger.
I made sure to do breast massages in the morning and before going to bed, took many supplements that promote breast growth on a regular basis, increased the amount of food I ate, and even went to a nearby shrine to pray for bigger boobs…
This strict regime has been actually working, and my breasts have gradually grown bigger.
After one month, they had already reached a size that would be called ’big boobs’ by any normal standards.
But it wasn’t enough. I need to make my boobs bigger and bigger until they reach the size he wants!

◆Contents of the work
・This work is a manga that depicts the journey of Minori as her breasts gradually grow bigger over a period of about 6 month.
・Early on in the manga, she achieves breasts that are huge by any normal standard, but that size is still not enough and so she continues to grow her breasts bigger and bigger.
・When her breasts grow to a certain size, they even start to produce breast milk…
・The main focus of this work is on Minori’s daily life, which becomes more and more difficult as her breasts grow bigger and bigger, while also depicting her sexual relationship with her boyfriend.
・An after story depicting the sex life of a now super busty Minori and her boyfriend is included as a epilogue. This is not a manga but a collection of CGs.
・To complement the manga, the ongoing text messages between Minori and her boyfriend are included.
・Check out the demo version which includes the first seven pages of the manga!
The English version is made with the help of Mr. Kroz, who is a fluent English speaker.

The main story consists of 31 images: 18 pages of manga and 13 images of the exchange through the messaging application.
The after story includes The after story includes 20(4 basic illustrations).
And 1 additional illustration+α.
Basic image size is 1200 x 1680 pixels for the main story and 1600 x 1200 pixels for the after story.
